We were late. When I say late...I don't mean that lightly-it wasn't the kind of late where we really had 20 minutes to get there, and I wanted to have half an hour. I mean, the ceremony was starting in 20 minutes- we were 25 minutes across town, sitting in Aric's truck in front of his grandparents house working up the courage to brave the torrential downpour outside so we could get inside, get changed, and get on our way to the wedding.
As we finally left the house-sparing 5 minutes until the ceremony was to start there was a lump building in my throat. It was raining. It was Brittany's wedding day, and it was raining.
hard... And their ceremony was taking place
outside. I knew that rain was "good luck"- and I had been around plenty of weddings where it rained earlier in the day then cleared up for the ceremony- but it was raining-and the ceremony was supposed to be beginning. Aric did what he could to keep a positive outlook- scanning the skies to see if maybe the clouds were moving in a different direction, or if it looked clearer across town where the ceremony was being held- but nothing he said seemed to curb the anxiety I felt for the bride on her rainy wedding day.
We finally arrived- all in one piece- to the golf course and realized our tardiness had cost us nothing but a few minutes out of the rain- as friends and family gathered under a giant white tent that was meant for the reception.
Whew! We didn't miss it!
After a few minutes of explaining ourselves, and chatting with some friends it was announced that they were going ahead with the ceremony- in the rain.
The grandparents were seated, then the parents- the groomsmen marched out, followed by the bridesmaids...and the rain was letting up a little- it was nothing more than a drizzle.
As the music began for Brittany's entrance, the whole crowd turned to watch the beautiful bride walk down the aisle. With a few tears welling up in her eyes- I was almost sure she (along with every other girl in the crowd) was going to loose it.
Until she saw him. Her eyes met his-and those tears moved from anxiety to joy. A smile appeared from ear to ear, and she was happy. Completely and utterly ecstatic. The clouds, the rain, the delay- nothing could put a damper on the love and joy that permeated from these two. And their wedding was one of the most beautiful wedding's I have ever been to. It's just obvious they are meant for one another- and we all know- Come rain, or shine...they're gonna be just fine. (yes I just rhymed)
Brittany & Chase's wedding was one of the weddings we got to attend this summer, not as photographers, but as friends. Aric grew up with Brittany and they have been close friends for many years, so it was an honor to get to witness and celebrate her marriage to her best friend.
But of course, weddings-to us- are like gold. So there was no way we were leaving the cameras at home! ;)
Enjoy the pictures! :)