Shooting weddings has become one of my very favorite things in the whole wide world- so I jump at the chance to be at any wedding- shooting or not- because I simply cannot get enough the atmosphere that surrounds a wedding...
The love, the family, the cake and the dancing--but most importantly the moments... a discreet look, a gentle touch, a long embrace, a sweet whisper, or roaring laughter- those moments are my favorite, those moments make a wedding, and as a photographer-those moments are what I live for...
It's a little nerve-wracking traveling to a wedding with a couple I haven't met before-but from moment #1 I knew I would be welcome, I knew I would love Shari & Dane, and I knew I was going to love capturing special moments on their wedding day...
Shari has one of those smile's that is contagious. She's beautiful, and fun, and real. But overall- my favorite thing about Shari- was the way she looked at Dane. It was a happy look. It was sweet. And meaningful. It was a look I recognized. The look of a girl in love...
And still something was different about the look. Something different about the smile she wore when she looked at him- something different with the tears that filled her eyes as she saw him for the first time on their wedding day- something different in the way they laughed together-something different...
She wasn't just in love with the prince charming that came and swept her off her feet.
Not just his handsome face, his familiar voice, or sweet embrace...
She was in love.
In love with her very best friend.
And it showed...
a sweet moment...
rockin' the chucks!!
tell me how much fun these two are!!!
another sweet moment...
isn't she beautiful?!
and my all time favorite--because of Dane dancing in the background!! :)
Thanks so much for allowing Brittany to bring me along to be a part of your special day. I had so much fun!! And took some of my favorite shots to date! Congratulations and hope you guys enjoy some of the pictures!!
**Katy & Matt- we haven't forgotten about you!! I (casey) had to work on these so I could get the pictures to Brittany- but Aric & I are both working on some favorites to blog and you will be seeing them SOON!!
aric + casey
oh my goodness! i am almost crying! thank you for coming along and taking pics! i love every one of them and i know my family will too!
I'm Dane's mom and I LOVED those pix! You captured some fabulous precious moments from that glorious day! My two favorites were when Shari & Dane first saw each other and the gorgeous Shari in profile, blue eyes shining. She is spectacular.
Hey guys! Great work as always! We definitely need to meet and visit....have soda's....take some shots...whatever!! Hope you have a great weekend...hope to talk soon!
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