Right at that time, I was in my house spending a little time with my best friend, Brooke- talking about life and taking a break from the mountain of homework and pictures I need to edit- and it all came at just the perfect time...
Lately I've been writing more, and reading more, and spending more quality time with my Bible, and journal, and re-vamping my prayer life and I'm being reminded to breath.
Life can get a little overwhelming at times.
Questions without answers.
Dreams standing still.
Hope becoming stale.
And yet, no matter how real those things may seem to me, they are not truth. I can't handle life, but God can. I don't know the answers to the many questions I might have, but God does. My dreams are real, and growing, and moving-in the direction that God wants them to. And hope in myself is unrealistic, because I can only hope in Him-who makes all things possible.
The rain today reminded me to breath. To smile. To hope and dream, and trust that everything is working together for the good-and if that's not good news, I don't know what is...
We had a busy weekend last week- a portrait session on Saturday, then I got to take Brooke out for a "Model Trip" on Sunday, so there are plenty new pictures waiting to be seen! As for now I'll leave you with a couple quick shots I took of some flowers that I happened upon while taking some pictures with Brooke--I ended up ordering each one as an 11x16 print to put on my wall for decoration!!- (or to sell, if anyone is interested...) :)
Hope everyone has a great day! and if it rains, I hope it makes you smile!
aric + casey
you are phenomenal. and i love the pictures. thank you for taking time to breathe. because always remember. the world needs people who are alive. so find what makes you alive and do it. and Jesus is definitely part of that. and...remember that love is most important for women to give. and you cant love well if your heart isnt well. so enjoy your heart time. i know that your blog definitely reminded me to enjoy mine. love you twin.
beautiful photo... and i'm encouraged by your sweet, heartfelt words. lovely!
I needed those words of wisdom from my youngest. The house details seem overwhelming, but you have great advice for all of us. Just stop and breath, things will work out. And in the end it doesn't really matter what paint, tile or carpet we pick. You make me smile : ) Love you, MOM
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