after all-isn't that like THE moment you have been waiting for your whole entire life? To see the man of your dreams standing at the alter waiting for you-and even more than that- seeing HIS FACE when he sees you, his bride, for the very first time in your white wedding gown looking as beautiful as ever... yep-that's THE moment. it's the one we envision as little girls and dream about every single day until that day that it actually happens.
So if that is THE moment, why in the world would anyone think it would ever be a good idea to have that moment-before the ceremony?
well, i'll tell you why! ;)
1. My number one argument for the first look is OBVIOUSLY- the pictures are way better! :) There's no garauntee that capturing the picture of his face when he sees you is going to be easy. Some venues won't even let us on the ground level or we are simply too far away and although you may get the experience for that split second-without the photos of it-you won't remember it 10 years from now. When we set up a first look we always try to choose locations with the best possible light-for the best possible pictures. period.
2. The first look (at least in my opinion) is 10 times more intimate than having that first look in front of 300 of your wedding guests. Chances are, his look will be more genuine. He will be more expressive knowing that you are the only one seeing him (and not all 300 family, friends, or people he doesn't even know)
3. The first look gives you pretty much the ONLY alone time you will have with your groom on your wedding day-(besides after the wedding, of course) It's the one chance to see him, have him see you, and then actually get to sit down, talk a little, and relax some before the rest of the day unfolds. HELLO--you don't get to talk to him and hear what he has to say about how darn BEAUTIFUL you look when you are standing at the altar...I'm just sayin'...
4. We get to take all the formal portraits before the ceremony; therefore, leaving you and your guests the freedom to head straight to your reception without having to wait around on getting pictures taken. It takes pounds of stress off of everyone's shoulders (including your photographers!) :)
5. Just because you have a first look- doesn't mean that when he sees you for the first time walking down the aisle is any less special. You still get that moment. And you get to experience it with less stress, less expectation-which makes it that much sweeter. It's a win/win situation.
That is why-Aric and I are going to see each other before our wedding ceremony!! It's actually one of the things I'm looking forward to most about our wedding day. I can't wait to hear what he has to say about how I look in my dress. I can't wait to get to hug him and kiss him (without a million pairs of eyes on us) and just as importantly-I can't wait to look back at the pictures of his face when he sees me for the first time...
We will never force our clients to do this, we understand the whole "traditional" thing, and we will respect that- but we will highly recommend this because-well-we've seen it. and we know that it works. I have yet to meet a bride that has regretted taking the first look, I've only ever heard great things about it. So there you go-that's my little insight on the first look-take it or leave it... :)
aaand because pictures are always better than my own explanations-here are a few images from previous first looks that we have captured...
aric + casey
1 comment:
Well put! I have a wedding coming up in a couple weeks. Their first kiss is going to be at the alter, which is awesome. The groom said he'd prefer to do pictures after the ceremony. Then, the bride said, " would make me a little less stressed..." and he replied "ok, done, before the ceremony" haha.
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