I finally got around to taking some pictures of our wedding invitations to share with you all! :) i'm not gonna lie-it took us entirely too long to pick these out! I guess it's all the creative vibes in both of us that we simply could not decide what we wanted! (too many ideas, and still trying to keep the costs down!) so that is where Hodge Podge came into the picture. We love that little place now! we spent several afternoons there, bugging the sweet girls that work there with our indecisiveness... but they were patient, and they were so good about spending the time with us to know exactly what we wanted...
long story short-I would highly recommend going to hodge podge for any of your invitation needs! they do a wonderful job! Here are a couple pics of our invitations...they are simple and sweet-and i freakin' love them! :)
yes i do realize this is just an envelope-but its the perfect shade of sparkly green, and it turns out-it matches our flower girl dresses perfectly!
in other news, we got our last senior album in last week so I took a few pictures of that too! i love these little albums! They are perfect for seniors, kids, families, bridals or even engagements! (i'm seriously thinking about ordering a huge one for aric and i...)
and just for fun-since my parents TRIED to make me swear up and down that I would not post any pictures that I took of them on the internet-I had to show you internet world just how stinkin' adorable my parents are! i love them dearly, and i just don't think love emmulates itself in a picture much better than this... one of these days i will talk them in to letting me take them out for a shoot that lasts longer than 5 minutes-but for now, internet meet my parents. :)
wedding season is officially gearing up for us this weekend!! and we are more than excited to be kicking it off with Joe and Melanie's wedding!!! It's gonna be beautiful, I just know it!!!! So be looking for that and another engagement session on the blog next week!!
aric + casey
mom and dad are seriously the cutest! love this pic sister!
What company do you work with to make the albums? It is gorgeous!!
So I just happened upon your blog today and can't figure out why I haven't seen your work before because it's stellar! Love the senior album, too. I've been using Asuka Book but looking for something different. What company does these albums???
thanks so much guys! the books are from whcc-just their press printed books. they are awesome, i love them!
Thanks so much for the info! I also saw that Lauren Clark did your pics. Isn't she fabulous?! I get to go to Love Affair this summer and can not wait to learn from her! ;)
are your wedding colors green and purple?? I got married about a month ago and those were my wedding colors too! I LOVE them! :)
Just admiring your pictures :)
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