Who knew you could cram pack so much love and laughter and exciting new things into a single month! It's simply a blast to walk through life every single day with your best friend standing right there beside you. We have been learning so much and making a lot of changes around the house and (more exciting for you guys)-the business!! ;)
That's right, change is coming-it's a slow process as we dig deeper to learn more about ourselves, each other, and the reasons the Lord is blessing our business as we trust Him with it...but I can assure you, the outcome will be out of this world AWESOME...and we can't wait to share it with you! :)
But for now, life is sweet. And although it's nowhere near perfect, we count our many blessings every single day and today-as we round out the 1st month of being married-I was thankful for our little toothbrush holder, and the 2 little toothbrushes that it holds... It's a daily reminder for me that I'm beyond lucky to be sharing every single thing in life with my best friend-even the small things-like our toothbrush holder...
So maybe the next time you see your toothbrush holder, you will think to go give your loved one a big hug and kiss and remind them of how thankful you are for them...
aric + casey
*sigh...you 2 never cease to amaze me! i love you guys and i'm so thankful for so many people!
marriage is brillyant!!
congrats you two!
Who would think that a picture of toothbrushes would make your Mom want to cry... If we could all learn to appreciate the little things in life the world would be a much better place. We are blessed!
well said and beautifully written. congrats you guys.
dude...seriously...you are a blessing. thanks for sharing. and you are so absolutely right!! marriage is wonderful and its the little things that remind you of it. i think that you and i need to go spend some time for ourselves together soon. how i do miss the hours on end that we used to do that for. have a great day! love you twin!
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