And to add a cherry on top of my trip-my Aunt put aside some time for me to practice a little with the whole "family picture" thing. ;)
It was so much fun.
Sure there might have been a meltdown or two?, I might not have been able to get a 2 yr old's hands out of her mouth, and of course Dad might have been over taking pictures after the first click of the shutter-but overall, it was fantastic.
These little ones hold a special place in my heart-they are the first babies I've actually gotten to see grow up! And they are such a joy in my life.
Not to mention-they are the cutest kids you will ever...and yes i mean EVER lay your eyes on. (no, I'm totally not biased!)
anywho-here are a few quick snaps from my mini family shoot with my Aunt and her beautiful family!-Enjoy
I told you, cutest EVER, right?!
(a 2 yr old that wouldn't take her hands out of her mouth...:) lol)
Aric took pictures of these 3 as one of his very first photoshoots and he as a similar image where the two oldest were kissing the youngest... I thought it was appropriate for the sisters to kiss their big brother...they adore him! and boy oh boy is he a wonderful big brother!
yes, uncle brandon wanted to kill me for making him do this...but it turned out so fun! :) Thanks for cooperating Brandon!
such a handsome little boy
sisterly love
these are so good! and yes, those kids are absolutely beautiful, and i would like to have them.
Don't sell yourself short - these family photos look pretty good to me. Such a good looking family. Great job, once again!
I LOOVE LOOVE LOOOOOVE THESE! You did such a GREAT job. So, I wouldn't count families out of your mix. YOU ARE AWESOME!
PS. YES, I agree those are the most BEAUTIFUL kids I have ever seen. (But a mother can say that!)
i agree with marcy..these are beautiful!!! keep doing families, because we james and i have kids (which might be awhile..haha) i want some pics like this from you and aric :)
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