Right at that time, I was in my house spending a little time with my best friend, Brooke- talking about life and taking a break from the mountain of homework and pictures I need to edit- and it all came at just the perfect time...
Lately I've been writing more, and reading more, and spending more quality time with my Bible, and journal, and re-vamping my prayer life and I'm being reminded to breath.
Life can get a little overwhelming at times.
Questions without answers.
Dreams standing still.
Hope becoming stale.
And yet, no matter how real those things may seem to me, they are not truth. I can't handle life, but God can. I don't know the answers to the many questions I might have, but God does. My dreams are real, and growing, and moving-in the direction that God wants them to. And hope in myself is unrealistic, because I can only hope in Him-who makes all things possible.
The rain today reminded me to breath. To smile. To hope and dream, and trust that everything is working together for the good-and if that's not good news, I don't know what is...
We had a busy weekend last week- a portrait session on Saturday, then I got to take Brooke out for a "Model Trip" on Sunday, so there are plenty new pictures waiting to be seen! As for now I'll leave you with a couple quick shots I took of some flowers that I happened upon while taking some pictures with Brooke--I ended up ordering each one as an 11x16 print to put on my wall for decoration!!- (or to sell, if anyone is interested...) :)
Hope everyone has a great day! and if it rains, I hope it makes you smile!
aric + casey