besides being tons of fun-they were amazing models. we asked brian on the side while Kelsey was changing outfits if he knew if she had ever modeled before because she was rocking it out! He laughed and said no, I don't think so...but she watches that show project runway all the time!
lol-so ladies, start watching more episodes of project runway, or america's next top model!
here are some faves from their session! enjoy!
aric + casey

kelsey, you are hott!


don't know what it is about this next one, but i just love it!

and like i said- they had such a beautiful sunset!!!

These are fantastic! So do I have to go to Lubbock to find this field? Especially like the one where they are looking at each other and the sun is peaking out. Great!
wow- gorgeous sunset! love the one with her boot in the air!
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